The Science of Yoga
An Introduction to the Yoga-sūtras of Patañjali by Pedro Oliveira
The Mandate of the Theosophical Society
An address by His Eminence Professor Samdhong Rinpoche in 2001

Theosophists speak about Theosophy and the Theosophical Society
Who we are and what we do
The Hobart Branch of the Theosophical Society meets weekly every Monday night at 7.45pm (Feb– early Dec).
The library is open from 7.30pm prior to the meeting.
Entry is free and visitors are warmly welcomed.
Meetings are predominantly discussion based.
Guest speakers are scheduled regularly throughout the year and open to the public.
Weekly discussion groups
Topics of discussion promote Theosophy, the Ancient Wisdom, and are tailored to the interests and ideas of members and visitors present on the night. For example, discussions could be of a scientific nature, centred on Theosophical texts, inspired by short videos or arise from real life issues and challenges.
Venue hire
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